16 October 2015

Flex Friday

It's Flex Friday!
And by "flex," I mean that I'm on call for work, not "flexing," as in showing off my fantastic arm muscles.
Which aren't actually so fantastic, since I just started back with CrossFit after a two-year hiatus.
It hurts to walk.
Anyway, since I'm on call, just sitting around waiting, I figured it would be a good time to update the blog so you all don't think Mississippi swallowed me whole and spit me out into Deliverance country.
Plus, if work today is anything like work yesterday, I should be getting called in at any second. Bananas!
I realize that I haven't really posted anything about our move to Mississippi other than talking about Matt's new position as a high school AD. If you follow me on facebook you've seen all the pictures (ad nauseum, I know) of our house, so I won't post any more on here.
Plus, random Internet stalkers. 'Nough said.
I have had the best two weeks ever!
First, Mom and dad were just here for several days and we had a fantastic time. I haven't seen them since February, so we were able to catch up on everything and show them the area...they've never been to the Gulf Coast.
I think their exact words to my husband were "Where do you keep dragging our daughter??"
They were pleasantly surprised. We're actually closer to the water here than when we lived in Florida...about 0.5 miles vs three miles...haha!
When I got home from work on Sunday, they were here!!
This pretty much sums up our visit:
We're so weird. But honestly, Slap Ya Momma's has some pretty decent BBQ, and it was fun for them to eat outside, facing the Gulf, in October.
This is actually my favorite picture...together again watching our Cardinals!
It was fun trying to get everyone in for a selfie. Good times.
I cannot even begin to explain how good it was to see mom and dad. I was very sad driving home from work yesterday and not seeing their car in the driveway anymore, but I found sweet little notes and gifts on the counter from my momma, and that made me smile.
Even though I'm almost 35, I still need my parents!
The week before my parent's visit, I got to see my very best friend! Sarah and I haven't seen each other since her wedding, for crying out loud. YEARS!!! We had a little meet-up in New Orleans, roughly an hour drive for me.
We may or may not have had a massive crying/hugging/laughing/jumping-up-and-down session on the sidewalk in the middle of the city.
Her husband was graciously silent and let us get it all out while we caused a scene. But it's New Orleans, so we kind of fit right in.
And of course, when showing friends around the city, and you grow up in a funeral home and things like this are ingrained in your blood, you just have to do a cemetery tour! We chose Lafayette Cemetery No. 1 as our destination, primarily because it's in the Garden District and we wanted to find Peyton Manning's house.
Correction: I wanted to find Peyton Manning's house. And maybe stay there. Forever.
Hi. My name is Addie Walters and I have a slight addiction.
Anyway, you can really only get into the old city cemeteries by tour anymore, due to the Archdiocese setting hours and limits because of stupid, idiotic people vandalizing the property.
We went through the group Save Our Cemeteries, one of the only non-profit tour groups in the city that serves to preserve and protect the historic cemeteries of New Orleans. We felt our $15 tickets were going to a great cause.
Save Our Cemeteries began in 1974 in response to a the potential destruction of the wall vaults of St. Louis Cemetery No. 2. Today, the non-profit organization is dedicated to the preservation of the 31 historic cemeteries of New Orleans. Save Our Cemeteries offers regular cemetery tours, lectures and programming for members and the general public, and does restoration of abandoned tombs.
It was an excellent tour. If you ever have a chance to go, try to get Michael as your guide. He was fantastic! The tour was absolutely full of interesting bits of history and local lore.

We started out at the marker for "My Pretty Betty." If you look close, it's the marker for a young child. Kind of a melancholy way to start the tour, but hey. It's a cemetery. What did we expect?
How about this one? City fire departments would buy entire tombs for their men. The detail of the relief carved into the top is amazing.


 When I die, please put pearls on my grave!

This one has a great story. This is known as the "Secret Garden," and entombs four friends who grew up together and started a secret society in New Orleans. Rumor has it that they went around and did secret good deeds, kept records and keys and codes, and upon their death required their heirs to burn all their paperwork and make it seem like they've never existed. 

This empty spot was used in the movie Double Jeopardy with Ashley Judd. Remember the tomb she was locked in and broke out of? This is where they built it. Pretty cool.  

Hauntingly beautiful. 

If you're in any way familiar with Anne Rice, Lafayette Cemetery is where she buried her characters, namely the Vampire Lestat from the Vampire Chronicles (Interview with the Vampire, if you've seen the movie but not read the books) as well as the Mayfair Witches. They're all here. Well, fictionally, anyway.
Funny story...before the tour we went inside a little corner mall to use the bathroom, and of course, Sarah and I were immediately drawn to a little tiny bookstore right inside the front door. During the tour, Michael told us that that bookstore is the personal favorite of Anne Rice - that's where she holds all of her book signings!
So of course we had to go back and take pictures, acting like the starstruck tourists that we were.

This book title made me laugh so hard. And now I want to read it. 

I think we could have stayed in there for hours, but after a 2 hour cemetery tour and becoming faint from the smell of new books, we decided it was time for lunch.
The Milk Bar!
Such a fun little hole-in-the-wall place right by one of the city hospitals. It was packed with medical-type people grabbing lunch on the run...it made me happy to be out of scrubs for the day to play Happy Tourist.


I had a delicious little ham, cheese and tomato sandwich on a toasted croissant. We were tempted by all the shake choices, but wanted to save room for - what else? - beignets at CafĂ© duMonde in the French Quarter. Plus a trip to Whole Foods, since Mississippi doesn't believe in the power of organic, snooty hipster groceries yet.
Best part? I now know my way fairly well around NOLA. And we didn't get mugged. Or hit up for dollars by scam people on the sidewalks.
I wish I could have taken my parents on the cemetery tour when they were here, but we got so busy seeing the Mississippi Gulf Coast and our new neighborhood that we ran out of time. Plus, with dad coming off both a knee surgery and a back surgery, probably not the best idea right now.
However, Dad did ask if we could stop at all the local funeral homes and fire departments so he could trade stories and t-shirts.
Mom and I said a big old fatty NO.
Plus, he had wayyyyy too much fun relaxing (read: napping) on the back deck while mom and I shopped. This is officially Jim Eaton's Relaxation Spot.
Today I love: Open windows, pumpkin coffee and snuggling with the pups while we watch Parks and Rec reruns until my phone rings to come into work.

31 August 2015

Life as an AD's Wife

So I guess we're going with this post-every-two-months theme, and now I'm cutting it close on the last day of August.


We're officially moved.

House is done, boxes are unpacked, new jobs started.

I know, the same old song and dance I usually post about this time of year, on a rolling three-to-five year schedule.

You know what's amazing?

When we lived up in Hattiesburg three years ago (after Missouri, before Florida, sheesh!) we would drive down to the Mississippi coast and daydream about how fabulous it would be to live in this little cute town called Ocean Springs.

Well. Be careful what you pray for, cause look out OS, here we are!

The poor lady at the DMV, after looking at all the states I've held a driver's license, started to thank me for my husband's service to our country.

Seriously. Whenever people hear all the places we've lived, they either think 1) Military or 2) On the run from the law.

I always have to go into an hour long diatribe about how Matt was a high school baseball coach, but baseball isn't what it used to be (thanks, travel ball!) and now he's an athletic director and now we're lugging a piano halfway across the country and I can't find my towels and the dogs are carsick.

I refuse to move again.

Unless there are mountains involved. And snow. And Alaska.

Anyway, we're here. It feels kind of like we never left Mississippi. I picked up my "Yes Sir" and "Yes Ma'm" and "Y'all come back now, you hear??" like I never stopped saying it, cause in Florida they give you looks for doing that.

One thing that's fantastic is that we're so much closer to family now, and we've already had visitors. When you live in Florida, everyone says they're going to come visit you and the beach and have a great time, but it never happens, because your husband moved you basically to the outskirts of Miami and it takes a year and a half of planning for anyone to make it down that far into the state.

And Miami is scary.

Ok, I'm exaggerating. We weren't that far. But Miami is scary.

Give me my little house on the marsh. Quiet and private after crazy-busy 12 hour shifts or ball games. Just me, my husband and dogs, and the rapidly-multiplying family of nutria on the banks right out our backyard.

Oh, and the ball games? So....did you know that Athletic Directors go to WAY more games than coaches do? Remember my "I'm a sports widow, woe is me" posts during baseball season?

Please. Child's play. I had no clue.

But you know what? This is the absolute happiest I've ever seen him. He's right in his element, telling other people what to do, cause Lord knows he can't pull that with me.

Just kidding.

But not really.

Honestly, he's awesome. He's fair, he's honest, he loves the idea of running a very successful athletic program, and he's more OCD than I am. The man's a walking spreadsheet of budgets and statistics. He's in his element, and I'm so proud of him.

And I have to say it's a LOT less stressful sitting in the stands at a game as the Athletic Director's wife than it was as the coach's wife. A lot. Plus he'll smile and talk to me. Bonus.

Here's to a great start in Mississippi!

Today I love: Lots of coffee after a rough three shifts at work. Coffee with more coffee. And a side of coffee.

09 June 2015

An Open Letter to My In-Laws Regarding the Care of My Dogs


I KNOW I make fun of my sister for writing out seventeen pages of notes for me whenever I take care of the girls, and now here I am doing it for our dogs.

DOGS, people. DOGS.

My sweet, somewhat gluttons-for-punishment in-laws have volunteered to keep Suka, Knuke and Kaia for the next two to three weeks while we transition from Florida to Mississippi.

I know they'll do a great job, they really love their Grandpuppies, but I'm still that Paranoid Crazy Dog Mom Lady.

Seriously, you might want to pass on the other side of the street if you see me.

Dear Mom and Dad W:

Matt thinks I'm insane, and has told me so on a daily basis, so I ask that you guys just humor me. I know they're just dogs, but they're dogs that have feelings and emotions and are basically human.

So here it is. The Daily Schedule. It's pretty intense with snuggling and belly rubs and specialty treats made out of buffalo and sweet potatoes, but I have all the faith that you can do this.

6:00ish AM - Outside for potty. They usually just tinkle then come back in to fall back asleep. Kaia may or may not start howling for breakfast. Just tell her to chill and she'll calm down.

Actually, she won't. She just increases in volume and frequency.

You can actually set your clocks by her pre-meal songs. Daylight Savings threw her off her game for a little bit, but she figured it out and is now bigger and louder than ever.


Between 7:00 - 8:00 am - Breakfast. Suka gets the blue bowl, Knuke has the green slow-down bowl and Kaia's is the pink slow-down bowl. The huskies each get one scoop and Knuke gets a scoop and a half. They need to be fed in separate corners because none of them know how to eat within the same vicinity of each other without growling and trying to show who's boss.

It's Kaia, BTW. The boys are scared to death of her.

Suka may not eat, but that's normal. He's a snacker while the others are scarfers.

After breakfast, outside again for morning poops.

Then I usually leave for work, and they have free reign of everything in the house. I think they mostly sleep, but the toy basket is available just in case.

***I know at this point (actually way before this point), I'm sounding like a ridiculously crazy dog lady. I'm sorry. So very, very sorry. There's actually more. I'm so sorry.***

After work, afternoonish, whatever - outside for potty, play, etc. The only thing I'm worried about is Suka trying to dig under your fence...I know this also sounds OCD/paranoid/overprotective, but huskies are known escape artists and can't ever be left alone or off leash unless they're inside a physical structure.

And even then it's a crapshoot. Suka is sneaky. This is the boy who can open all the bedroom doors by himself - I can't decide if I'm proud or horrified.

Dinner is around 6, same setup as breakfast. After dinner, outside for potty.

Before and after dinner, they're used to some pretty intense snuggling and ear rubs. Knuke likes to be on the couch with his head in my lap while we watch TV or read...until Suka freaks out and makes Knuke move over so he can take his place. Kaia just likes to wander around with her bear in her mouth. Or her sockball. Or both.

She's special.

Last potty is right before bedtime, around 9-10pm.

Bedtime- Knuke preferably likes to sleep between your legs with his head on your butt all. night. long, so then you wake up in a dripping sweat, unable to move any lower-body muscles. It's awesome.

Also, can you continually talk to them and tell them I haven't abandoned them and that I love and miss them? And text me pictures of them every five minutes?



PS: We'll pay for any damages, physical and/or mental.

20 May 2015

Movin' On Up

The past two years have been INSANE.

Do you know what it's like being married to an obsessive-compulsive high school varsity baseball coach who is also working on his Master's degree in Athletic Administration?

I do.

For two straight years, ooooooohhhhhhhh, I do.

It honestly hasn't been that bad. Over the past two years, I've snuck in a lot of solo shopping trips, kayak trips, added a dog to the family, redecorated a guest room and our office, read some really good books...all while he was writing papers and doing research and working on his thesis.

It's not my fault if he didn't notice my multiple trips to IKEA.

Not. My. Fault, Matt Walters. None whatsoever.

Poor guy, I know he's been so worn out from not only teaching and coaching and lesson plans (autocorrect wants to spell it lesion plans, which I know he would agree with) - he's been spending every. single. weekend and evening when there were no games (no joke!!!) dedicated to his degree.

I got to listen to him say things like "Oh man, I got a 3.9999999 GPA in that class, dang it!!" and "What day is it? What time is it? I have seventeen papers due by Sunday at midnight!!"

It was super-fun.

But now it's over, and he's graduated.

He's officially an Athletic Director.

For real.


He had his first interview for an AD position and absolutely NAILED IT.

As in, GOT THE JOB, hands-down.

My husband is a real life Athletic Director!
Which he tells me means he'll now be home even less.

And I don't think there's an IKEA close to where our new home is. There is a Target, however. I checked in on that right away.

Our news is all around town now anyway, especially since our house hit the market yesterday, people at both our places of work know, and Vero is remarkably small-townish. Word travels like nothing else here.

So who wants to buy our house in the next few weeks?

We would appreciate it.

So where are we going?

We're headed back to Mississippi, this time to the Gulf Coast. Matt is the new AD for Vancleave HS, and we're looking at property in the Ocean Springs/Biloxi area.

Actually, looked at. Past tense. New house already picked and under contract (more on that later).

I'm sad to be leaving such a fabulous community, fantastic friends and a wonderful job, but we're also reallllllllllllllllly excited to get back to the South (Florida is NOT the South) and closer to family.

Here we come, y'all!!!

23 April 2015

A Lot of Stuff

My last post was on February 14 - Valentine's Day.

I was spending an extended weekend with my family, primarily doing overnights with my Grandpa during his journey through the last stages of his cancer.

Would not have traded that time for anything in the world. It was hard, watching him so frail and sick, but it was sweet and precious all at the same time. A lot of hand-holding, some tears. Ok, a lot of tears.

When I was getting ready to leave his house to fly back to Florida and Grandpa grabbed my hand and said "I'll probably never see you again, will I?" I completely lost it and had a sobbing fit in his living room.

Me, the granddaughter who is a Hospice RN and deals with this multiple times a day, had to be comforted by his Hospice nurse - who slipped a sweet, sweet note in my pocket for me to read on the plane.

I didn't update at the time, but many of you know that he passed away less than two weeks later.

Today marks exactly two months.

I've honestly been in a little two month slump. No motivation, a lot of sadness, a little laziness.

And by "laziness," I mean I'm now on level 723 of Candy Crush.

Dad told me this week to keep updating this blog - apparently some of you keep asking him when I'll post again. I also heard from a couple of you that my last couple posts haven't been in my "normal" vein of dry humor and sarcasm...I know they've been a little down and depressing.

This one isn't starting out much better, is it?

Well. Hold tight. I'll get back in the swing.

Here's what's been going the last several months:

Varsity baseball is still going strong. Post-season started this week and we won on Tuesday like a million to nothing. They're playing again tonight, and Matt's not home yet so I have no clue what's going on.

I do know that as he was walking out the door this morning he said it was going to be ugly. For the other team. So don't bother coming to watch.

And due to baseball superstitions, I'm still not allowed at games - hence the "don't bother coming to watch." Seriously. They lose when I'm there, so I've been banned for the past 12 years. Honestly, it's true.

To test it out (again) I went to the first couple innings of a game when my sister and her family were here visiting because my niece Addie wanted to see Uncle Matt coach. Well, we arrived, and...they started losing. We left after two innings, and the team came back to beat Vero Beach - not an easy team.

Watching Uncle Matt...he turned and waved at her and she thought it was SO COOL. Uncle Matt was in a baseball uniform and on a baseball field and he waved.

(It made quite the impression - she's still talking about it. Erin told me a baseball team bus passed them the other day and Addie said "Maybe they're going to play Uncle Matt's team!" They live in Georgia...)

It's really, really weird...even I'm starting to believe the superstitions. I'd like to be at the games, but, well, you can't argue with the stats. Cause, Moneyball.

12 years of marriage, folks. You just roll with it.

2. So, yeah. Erin and family came to visit for a week! Remember this post about when I was solo with the kids for like seven measly hours?

Child's play.

This time - THREE DAYS SOLO. Erin and Cole were able to have a late anniversary celebration at a resort on the beach, and I volunteered to watch the girls so they could have a break.

Bedtimes. Naptimes. Baths. SOLO. Cause, baseball season. Single "parent."

So that was fun.

The girls could smell my fear and milked it for everything they had.

Not really (but kind of really). We had a great time, and everyone survived. Everyone even got a vitamin and vegetables with their meals. Super Aunt!

The goal (again) this time was to stay busy and wear ourselves out.

Which worked. When they left on that Saturday, Aunt Addie fell into a two-day coma slumber.

I even wrote a haiku about how Matt and I feel about having children. I think you'll like it.

How We Feel About Having Children - a Haiku by The Walters
No no no no no
No no no no no no no
No no no no no.

I mean, honestly.

This is how we define what's already in our house.


Blog updated.

Ok, one more cause I'm realllllly proud of this....

Thanks to my workouts and counting macros and running and lifting heavy things...

I'm down 10+lbs and counting!

Relentless Performance in Vero! Training, nutritional coaching, LOVE IT!

More about that later, if you all are ready for more blog posts about food and workouts.

Cause I can bring it.