22 September 2009


Finally...a night without anything planned! Due to some out-of-the-blue massive, thundering storms, all our baseball games have so far been cancelled this week. I'm happy for a little free time. Coach, not so much. He gets grumpy when they can't play. His mood seriously reminds me of a little boy whose favorite toy truck was painted sparkly pink by a little sister and then brutally smashed to bits by an older brother. Unfair, unjust and absolutely uncalled for.

Rain-outs are that severe in our household.

So with some free time on my hands, I thought I’d be able to study for my A&P lab test and get started on some Chemistry homework. But like most well-intentioned plans, they seriously got derailed.

After finding out via text from several parents that our game was rained out and that there was no practice, I called home to see what Coach was up to. Not much, other than moping. Apparently, the most interesting thing that had happend so far today me that I had a package in the mail that arrived from St. Louis University.

A package. A big one.

My mind started racing. St. Louis University is one of the universities where I’m applying to nursing school. It’s the one I want very, very badly. Very. Badly. I started shaking and told Matt to open the envelope for me. He did, and started reading it out loud.

Dear Ms. Walters, I am very pleased to offer you admission to the Accelerated Nursing Program…

I love it when God answers prayers! I started crying and screaming right there in the car. On the highway. In rush-hour traffic.

I immediately hung up the phone with Matt and started calling everyone I knew to share the good news.

No one answered. My parents, my sister, the hospital nurse recruiter who has been helping me apply to schools. No one. Of course that's how it works.

Since I had previously been on the phone with my mother-in-law, before I called home, I called her back after leaving messages all around the country for everyone else. I was so happy she was waiting for me to call her back. I was thrilled to tell someone the news and have someone to be glad with! And even better - when I got home, Matt wanted to go out to dinner to celebrate.

Acceptance to nursing school and not having to cook dinner? That's a pretty perfect day in my opinion.

Now to get some baseball games in, and our whole household’s happiness will be complete.

1 comment:

Erin Wilkins said...

Congrats Sissy!!!! We're so proud of you!