15 August 2013

CrossFit Confession

I have a confession.

I almost quit crossfit this week.

I know. I KNOW!!!

Two reasons.

1. We had water dripping from our upstairs bathroom through our dining room ceiling.

2. My motivation was absolutely nowhere to be found.

Sometimes you just hit a wall, you know? You think to yourself, I'm never going to be able to do a rope climb. My arms look too flabby in my workout tanks. Who in the world do I think I am to be able to do more than a 70# clean?

Never mind the fact I could barely lift the 15# bar when I first started...the fact that I've come that far never entered my mind.

It was a grumpy. poopy, self-centered week.

Sorry, Matt.

I skipped workouts on Monday, because I was off work. I did run 3.12 miles, but that doesn't count. I didn't make it to the box.

I dragged myself in on Tuesday, and actually did pretty well. It was kettlebell day, and everyone knows what that means. No skipping, because I'm awesome at kettlebells. I rock the kettlebells. I love the kettlebells!! Then I ran another 3 miles with a friend after work, which helped get out the soreness from squats and kettlebell swings and toes-to-bar.

Wednesday, no workout. Cause Wednesday is a rest day, despite the fact I've only made it to crossfit once this week so far.

Once again, I know. I'm lame.


Today's WOD was posted last night. They always do a little blog post along with it, and it KICKED MY BUTT. I needed this blog post. How did they know? They must have sensed a dropped membership flashing through my mind.

There is a saying that “CrossFit is for everyone, but not everyone is cut out for CrossFit.”
Because we can modify and scale, you don’t have to necessarily be a great athlete to succeed at CrossFit. Yet, we’ve seen people, regardless of ability,  come and go.
Most of you reading this have made it. So, what is it that has made you stay? What does a person need to “have” to excel at CrossFit?

Uuuhhhhgggggg. Really? Break my heart, people!!

So after a good talk with Rob (trainer, stink-eye extraordinaire) this morning, I was back on track.

Forget about the waterfall coming through the ceiling, I cannot, cannot quit crossfit.

Actually, the water leak was easily fixed after patching some chipped grout in the shower. Problem solved for less than my crossfit membership. So yay.

Want to read some of the responses to the crossfit post? Click HERE for some ridiculous motivation.

So, to sum it up, I'm not quitting.

Matt likes me better when I'm all high on exercise endorphins anyway.

Exercise produces endorphins.
Endorphins make you happy.
And happy people just don't kill their husbands. ~ Legally Blond

I also found a new breakfast. It is paleo, delicious, and made everyone at work look at me like I was insane.

I love green smoothies. I found a paleo version on PaleOMG, and just tweaked it a bit.

Green apple, spinach, lemon juice, almond milk, water, flax and half an avocado. 

Knuke loves avocados.

Blend. Enjoy. Gross people out at your desk at work. 

It didn't keep me 100% full until lunch, but I felt clean and happy that I was getting a freaking ton of fruits and veggies in for breakfast.

Today I love: Vanilla Maple coffee from fresh market and a stormy evening for relaxing and reading.

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