03 March 2010

The One that will Bore You to Tears

82 days until nursing school starts.
I would freak out about that, but I'm on so much cold medicine that the most my brain can process are things like, "Hey! That shirt is red!" and "Hey! My pen is purple!"
That's about it today, folks.

Which is rather frightening because I have a microbiology test tonight over microbe nutrition and growth, along with bacterial disinfection and sterilization. All this cold will let me remember is that my instructor mentioned in our last class that Lysol can have a toxic effect on cats.
I highly doubt that little tidbit of information will be on the test.
My instructor also mentioned that you have to look carefully at labels of cleaners. Just because something is a disinfectant (i.e. Lysol) doesn't mean it will disinfect your counter tops if there is a layer of grime it has to work through. That's what's known as a two-step process - you have to 1) clean the surface and then 2) disinfect it.
I about have the patience of a one-step woman. If it doesn't take care of the bacteria the first time, well, that's the bacteria's problem.
That sounded gross, didn't it? For anyone who cares to care, I do clean my house.
Dogs licking things off the kitchen floor totally counts as cleaning.
I love Clorox Wipes. Just so you know.
To bore you even further, let's talk about bleach. Bleach is a great disinfectant, but a bad cleanser. And I was curious. What makes bleach, bleach?
It has to do with electricity, believe it or not. When you buy a gallon of bleach at the grocery store, what you are buying is chemical sodium hypochlorite mixed with water in a 5.25-percent solution. You're basically buying salt water that has been changed slightly by electricity. 

According to howstuffworks.com, there has been a lot of discussion about the safety of chlorine in drinking water. It's not really clear how safe or unsafe chlorine is, but two things stand out:
  • It's a whole lot safer to drink chlorinated water than water contaminated with disease-causing bacteria. Millions of people have died from water-borne diseases, and these diseases are largely eliminated in modern water systems through the use of chlorine.
  • If you are worried about the chlorine in your water, all you have to do is let the water stand for a day or two in a loosely covered container in your fridge and the chlorine is eliminated. How cool is that?

You can read more here.
Ok, I'm done with the science lesson. But you have to admit that the lysol/cat thing is pretty interesting.
Probably why some lysol-loving people I know (you know who you are!) wake up every morning to find cat yuck on the hallway carpet.
Yesterday was Day 2 of baseball practice, but I didn't see Matt until right about 10:00 last night. After practice, he went with the basketball team to Cabool to watch them play in the first round of Districts. 
I kind of remember him calling and telling me he would be home late. I also kind of remember doing my best to intelligently contribute to the conversation with things like, "Ummmmm, yeah. Soooooo, heeyyy (Yes. Like The Fonz). How are yoooouuuu?" 
He called me back later to let me know the team won. Then, when he got home, I brilliantly asked him if they won or lost.
Seriously. Cold medicine has a concussion effect on me.
And I love it when he looks at me like I'm a fruitcake.
Despite not feeling well at all this week, Tina and I have completed Day 3 of our three mile mornings.
The alarm clock going off at 4:45 am totally drills the point across that our "lets-take-a-break-from-exercising-over-the-holidays" hiatus is definitely over. And yes, I realize that our "holiday break" lasted about three months. And it felt good. And we didn't care. Sort of.
Except now I feel really guilty and yucky. I think I still have a couple Christmas cookies hanging on to my backside that refuse to let go.
I've set a goal for myself: lose 10 lbs by time I go visit my sister in Houston in 43 days. That's roughly six weeks...completely doable.
My Polish brain will not sabotage me into having no control over the ingestion of all things sugar and white flour. Dang those Poles. Why couldn't they have based their national food traditions on sprouts and tofu? Not everything has to be perogies and babka. And kolaches. And halushki. And paska.
God bless my carbohydrate-laden heritage.


RCW said...

Thanks for the recipes sis. When you are here we can go to a Polish restaurant (or the German one we love) and sample some yum yums. You will pee your pants at how good they are when you don't make them yourself. :)

Oh and ease up on the drugs!

RCW said...
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Mel C said...

I hope you feel better girlie!! :)