23 June 2013

30 Day Paleo Challenge - Day 1


It’s been approximately 500 years since my last post on Easter.

That’s embarrassing. Embarrassing to the point of almost wanting to delete the whole blog and start over fresh.

But ain’t nobody got time for that.

So here we go.

What’s new? New job is going well – I love being a hospice nurse. Matt’s baseball season finished well – made it to round two of super-regionals, and now we’re in the middle of Legion summer ball. CrossFit hasn’t killed me yet, although I have had days where it’s impossible to climb the stairs or reach up to wash my hair due to a particularly ridiculous workout.

Speaking of CrossFit, that’s kind of the reason I’m motivated to write a new post. Matt and I are leaving in roughly 30 days for our 10th anniversary trip to St. Lucia.

We are very excited about this – we’ve never done a huge trip like this before. And yes, our anniversary isn’t until November, but being married to a teacher means you have to travel to exotic islands during the hottest part of summer, right smack in the middle of hurricane season.

Yes mom, we bought traveler’s insurance. J

So. 30 days and I’ll be living in a swimsuit for a week. That thought does wonders for my body image issues – wonders in the form of anxiety and panic attacks.

CrossFit has been helping with that. How can you hate how you look when you’re busy doing 115lb back squats? Boom.

In any case, my box (how CF people refer to their warehouse of sweat) recently completed a 30 day Paleo challenge. I didn’t register to do it – I didn’t feel mentally committed to diet changes at that point…I was more focused on getting double-unders and cleans down.

However, I did see results. People I knew who were committed to the challenge were literally melting away before my eyes, revealing their awesome CF muscles underneath. Uuugggghhhh, why didn’t I sign up?? Stink.

So I’m doing it on my own. Well, on my own with encouragement from all of you. For the next 30 days, until we leave for St. Lucia, I’m doing my own Paleo Challenge.

What is Paleo? The easiest way to explain it is this – eat how our ancestors did. No processed food, no sugar, no grains. Eat plenty of meats, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds.

Here are a couple of my favorite sites that explain it in more detail:

This will be a challenge for two specific reasons:

1. Matt. Hands-down, my man does not want to eat things like vegetables without cheese. Or coconut flour. Or almond milk. However, he is the most super-supportive person in my entire world, and he’s ok with us cooking completely separate meals for the next month. Hamburger Helper for him, ground pork and apple sliders for me! And spicy pineapple chili. And roast with sweet potatoes and onions. Paleo is delicious, people!

2. 4th of July Weekend. We’re going to Alabama for a Walters family reunion, of which I’ve volunteered to bring the makings for s’mores. Just so you know, s’mores are decidedly NOT paleo. I will resist! I will sip my iced coffee with almond milk and enjoy the company! I will indulge in the watermelon I’m also bringing along! I’m just excited to see family that we haven’t seen in ages.

Living in South Florida kind of cuts you off from the rest of the country family.

So to keep myself on track, I’m announcing it here: I’m going to be posting EVERY DAY for the next 30 days my menus and workouts. I generally try to use Fridays and Sundays as workout rest days – Friday can be interchanged with Wednesday, depending on how sore and tired I am. If I miss a day of posting, this is where you come in – call me out on it! My menus might start to look monotonous…I’m a big fan of cooking a lot and freezing for leftovers. I’m going to include links to the websites for my favorite recipes…a lot of my favs come from http://civilizedcavemancooking.com/

30 Day Paleo Challenge – Day 1

  • Coffee with unsweetened almond milk
  •  Sausage Bites (sub raw honey in place of the sweetener in the recipe)
  •  Handful of red grapes

  • Leftover Paleo Meatloaf
  • Broccoli and cauliflower sautéed with bacon
  • Nectarine


Snack (if hungry)
  • Apple with almond butter

I’ve also taken measurements/weight/pictures…we will wait until waaaayyyy later to post those. No use scaring everyone right off the bat.

Thanks for your support and motivation!

Today I love: Caribou coffee and supportive husbands who won’t let me order pizza until after our trip.

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