Weight Loss: -2.6
Welcome to Day 3 of the PC! Still going strong, still energized.
Maybe because I've already had 238 cups of coffee this morning.
Black, of course.
Thank you for all of your sweet words through Facebook, Twitter and email. I seriously need you guys to keep me going – knowing you’re looking for my next post is part of my motivation to keep at it.
I’ve had some opposition about some things already this week - and it's only Tuesday! Ugh. I’m not going to go into it just because I realize there are just those people
who live to make you feel bad about yourself…and it actually worked to my
advantage: I was so upset that I ended up pushing through a powerful workout
last night. I left it all on the floor.
Literally. My sweat was everywhere. Even parts of my shins from the box jumps.
Ugh. I'm so short.
Ugh. I'm so short.
Anyway, when I got home, a thought came to me as I was dragging
myself through the door from almost throwing up due to the Evil that is
I’m doing this to
prove the people wrong who tell me I can’t, but more importantly, I’m doing this to prove to myself that I
Boom. Take that, haters.
Yes. I just said "haters."
I think I need more coffee.
Yes. I just said "haters."
I think I need more coffee.
So let’s keep going. Here’s my plan for today:
- Black coffee, iced. It goes down faster that way.
- Bacon
- Scrambled Eggs with diced tomato
- Plain hamburger – my husband is amazing with the grill!
- Cucumber/tomato/green pepper salad with olive oil and vinegar
- Two hard-boiled egg whites
- Nectarine
- Leftover Spicy Pineapple Chili – this recipe seriously made an insane amount. Just so you know, this is probably going to be dinner for awhile. Matt won’t touch it because it has (gasp!) tomatoes and (gasp!) onions. How terrible, right?
- Apple with almond butter – This will always and forever be my go-to snack. I’ve never really ever liked peanut butter, but I am a lover of almond butter, especially Justin’s Maple. To make it especially yummy, I use green apples. Tart and sweet. Kills my sweet tooth, which, believe me, is wicked.
Tonight's WOD:
Back squat 5×5 @ 78%
Front squat 2×10 @ 50%,
3×3 Pendlay row
Three rounds for time of –
2 rope climbs (6 modified)
15 thrusters 95/65
25 double-unders (75 singles)
Paleo Website
of the Day: http://whole9life.com/category/whole-30/
- bare bones eating, discusses a lot of medical issues that correspond with processed foods and chemicals. The book It Starts With Food is the hard-copy version of this website. Next to my bible,
this is probably the most highlighted and margins-written-in book in my house.
CrossFit Website of
the Day: http://crossfitfreedom.com/what-is-crossfit/
- really good site that tells you what CrossFit really is. If you don’t want to
read it all, definitely watch the Reebok CF video at the end. It’s awesome.
Today I love: Almond
butter and my husband serenading me with "Mary Had a Little Lamb" on my piano at 7am then shouting, "Thank you very much! No autographs! No pictures please!" He makes me laugh, the nerd.
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