24 June 2013

30 Day Paleo Challenge - Day 2

The first day of my paleo challenge went well. Matt had a baseball tournament all day yesterday, so I was all hopped up on pre-fixing meals for the week and kept myself busy changing my blog template about a million times.

I did sneak a pear (gasp!) in yesterday between lunch and dinner. I was hungry, and the pears are going bad. I feel sorry for produce that has to get thrown away (here’s looking at you, avocados!!), so in part my snack was out of pity for overly-soft fruit.
What I’ve discovered: Black coffee isn’t as gross as I thought, especially if you use a high-quality brand like my beloved Caribou. However, strict paleo = running to the bathroom a lot. During the day, all night long. Super-fun when you’re driving around all day to your patient’s houses…I’ve now programmed every 7-Eleven in a 10-mile radius into my GPS.

I’m also preparing myself for the headache I’ll get from cutting myself off of Splenda cold-turkey. Fabulous.

30 Day Paleo Challenge – Day 2
Weight loss change: -0.8

  • Coffee with unsweetened almond milk
  • Sausage Bites from yesterday (sub raw honey in place of the sweetener in the recipe)
  •  A couple slices of bacon. Cause what's paleo without bacon???
  • Sliced ham and turkey
  • Cucumber/tomato/green pepper salad with olive oil and vinegar
  • Two hard-boiled egg whites
  • Nectarine
(My lunches might look strange during the week. I have to pretty much eat in my car as I'm driving between patient's houses, so my lunches tend to be of the finger-food variety. That's how I roll.)

  • Leftover Spicy Pineapple Chili - which, by the way, is one of the best things I've ever put in my mouth. A full pound of bacon? Um, yes please. I did leave out the jalapenos and red pepper flakes because I'm a lightweight, and the chili powder was just enough seasoning for me. This recipe is awesomesauce. 
  • Apple with almond butter

WOD (Workout of the Day):

5×2 Snatch off box (above knee)
5×1 Overhead squat, 3-second pause at bottom (use racks)

3 sets, each for time of -

20 calories on Airdyne (AKA “Satan’s Horse”)

15 burpee box jumps 24″
10 strict pull-ups

Paleo Website of the Day: http://civilizedcavemancooking.com/ - My favorite!

CrossFit Website of the Day: http://crossfitverobeach.com/ - My box!  (They actually just announced the 30 Day Paleo Challenge winner on the site yesterday. Pretty cool.)

Today I love: Bacon. Bacon bacon bacon. 

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