Seriously. I thought I was going to die halfway into set #1.
Back squat 3×3 @ 85%
Front squat 2×10 @ 55%, 1 minute rest
3 x 3 wall walks (Demo Video) - I can actually do this!! Yay me!!
3 sets, each for time of -
500m row
20 burpees
10 Toes to bar
500m row
20 burpees
10 Toes to bar
It wasn't the rowing. It wasn't the toes to bar (though mine are more like just-get-your-knees-up-as-high-as-you-can-and-hope-no-one-is-watching-and-call-it-a-day).
It was the $#^&@%! burpees.
Burpees and 5am do not go together...especially when you end up doing a total of 60 of the stupid things.
I almost threw up during the burpees, then again on my way home.
Then again on the way to work.
Here's some burpee awesomeness just to get you feeling sick to your stomach, too. This is just ridiculous.
Note the girl doing wallballs at about 0:34 into the video, then they have to go and show off doing muscle-ups to finish it off.
This is the insane madness that I am addicted to.
It's like a cult, without the creepy leader.
I'm also frantically trying to get home from work every day this week to get things ready for the 4th of July Extravaganza in Northern Alabama, a.k.a. the Crazy Walters Crazy Family Reunion of Craziness.
It's a little challenging coming up with four days worth of packable paleo breakfasts, lunches and snacks to bring with us on a 12-hour drive. Those are the things we're on our own for this weekend...dinner is several nights worth of BBQ, tacos, salad bar, etc. My sweet, sweet Mom-In-Law is making me some seasoning-free ground beef for Taco Night, so I can build my own little paleo taco salad. Bring on the salsa!!
Tonight I'm pre-making a sausage/bacon/egg bake for my breakfast and splitting it into individual travel-size portions. I've also frozen the rest of my pineapple chili and some of the roast from last night for my lunches, and snacks are cut veggies and fruit, macadamia nuts, almond butter...
...Plus my Zinc and Vitamin C tablets.
Cause you never know. We like to spread colds and the flu around like the second coming of the plague.
That's how we roll in the South, y'all.
So I'm sorry if this post seems a little rushed, but I have so much to do!! Dishes, packing, cutting veggies and fruit, vacuuming dog hair from every surface of the house so the pet sitter doesn't think we're that nasty...
Plus, it's almost 8:00pm.
CrossFit alarm is set for 4am.
Breakfast: A little more than usual because I was starving after CF. I had two scrambled eggs with salsa, six slices of bacon and a sliced Fuji. Lots of water. Lots.
Lunch: Baked chicken, baby tomatoes, watermelon, pumpkin cake cookie
Dinner: Leftover roast
Crossfite Website of the Day: Six Common Misconceptions About CrossFit - excellent article.
Paleo Website of the Day: Well Fed - Love this site! I have the cookbook, love the blog!
Today I love: Justin's Maple Almond Butter and not dying during the Burpees of Evilness and Death.
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