03 July 2013

30 Day Paleo Challenge - Day 11

My 4am alarm clock scared the bejeezus out of me this morning.

I was having a little trouble falling asleep  last night because my mind was racing with all of the things I needed to get done around the house, so I took a teeny tiny little melatonin tablet.

It’s not like Benadryl, which usually knocks me out for sixteen days and gives me psychedelic dreams of unicorns pooping rainbows.

Melatonin is more natural, designed to help you get back in a regular sleep pattern. It does nothing for Matt, but for me…it was awesome. Best sleep in a long time…until that alarm scared me straight off the side of the bed.  

I’m usually one of those people who wakes up about five minutes before the alarm goes off…obviously not the case today.


Crossfit this morning was way better than crossfit yesterday morning. I OWNED this workout.

5×1 hang clean + power jerk 
5×1 clean & jerk, any style (power or full clean; power or split jerk)

5 rounds for time of
5 deadlifts 275/155
25 Abmat sit-ups

Deadlifts and situps? I can do those all day.

Actually, I wanted to stop and cry at the start of round 4 when my abs started burning, but it’s kind of hard to quit when your trainer – who looks shockingly a lot like Vin Diesel, is standing over you screaming.

But it’s done, and now I need water and coffee and more coffee.

We’re leaving after work to get a head-start on our trip to Alabama. We’re stopping over in Georgia tonight to see my sister, but we won’t get to her house until after midnight…but that will be ok, because with a new baby in the house, she doesn’t sleep anyway.

Road trip snacks are packed, but all of the clothes I packed last night will have to be re-packed after work tonight, because we looked at the forecast for northern AL this morning and it’s a 100% chance of rain on the 4th and 5th. Less swimsuits, more rain jackets.


I might have also topped off my Kindle with some new books, too.


Breakfast - Black coffee, bacon/sausage/egg bake
Lunch - Leftover roast, watermelon
Snack - Strawberries, baby tomatoes
Dinner - Salad night! Probably once we get on the road. Grilled chicken, veggies, olive oil and vinegar, apple slices

Paleo Website of the Day: http://everydaypaleo.com/ - I have this girl's cookbook too. Excellent. 

CrossFit Website of the Day: Confessions of CrossFitters.  Hilarious. And true. 

Today I love: Getting to see my sister tonight! Or early tomorrow morning, depending on traffic. 

NOTE: If you're only getting these posts via email and not checking the actual blog site online, I realized you didn't get the burpee video I embedded into the site. Here's a link to watch it if you're super-bored: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21dvQyNiTjM 

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