Five days left!
I know I keep saying this, but I serioulsy can't believe I've actually stuck with this for so
long...I've always been a chronic "It's the weekend, I'll start over again on
Monday" type of eater.
No commitment, no motivation, nothing worth sticking
with. Chronic failure, chronic re-dos, chronic guilt and self-loathing.
No more.
If anything, this challenge has proved that IT IS POSSIBLE
to stick with something.
Sure, I’ve wanted to relax and let my guard down and
order a pizza, but honestly? Eating this way + crossfit workouts have given me
so much energy I’m bouncing off the walls. I’m actually having a hard time
relaxing, which is why melatonin at bedtime has become my friend.
But seriously, paleo is doable. It takes planning, but
what doesn’t?
Mmmmm. Red meat over a grill. My inner Missouri Girl is
Plus, the bacon. Oooooh, bacon.
Confession: I started Crossfit back in March
for the sole purpose of our St. Lucia trip next week with plans (gasp!) to stop
(gasp!) after vacation.
Crossfit isn’t cheap, y’all. It isn’t easy. You feel like
your trainers are staring at you thinking, “What in the world is that girl
doing???” It makes you leave everything on the floor – sweat, tears, emotions.
But last night, as I checked CFVB’s site – and kept
checking every five minutes, despite the fact that today is a rest day - I got
yet another kick in
the pants.
This last week of the challenge is getting kind of
painful in that aspect.
CFVB posted a before and after picture of one
of my fellow crossfitters and his transformation of one year of CF + paleo.
Nice work. Impressive. Motivational...and tells me it's
going to take awhile until I see the results I want to see, not just 30 days of
a challenge.
And why stop Crossfit after only four months? That’s
barely enough time to see results. Sure, I’ve gone from using the gigantic
purple band for pull-ups to the not-so-gigantic black band, but I want to do
one of those dang things with no band at all!
I want to be able to do a rope climb. I want to be able
to back squat 150# by the end of the year. I want to be able to run a half
marathon again without having to walk after the first three miles (December
goal for that one – the St. Jude’s Half is that first weekend! My fundraising
page is set up HERE. Hint. HINT!!!!)
I want to be transformed.
Like one of my favorite bible verses says, “Be transformed
by the renewing of your mind,” (Romans 12:2) – I need to change my mindset from
“Friday Night Pizza and M& M Time” to “Friday Night Eat Healthy So I Can
Get Up and Run Seven Miles In the Morning Time.”
Back to Romans 12:2 for a second. I’m in love with The
Message version of this verse:
So here’s what I want
you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping,
eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an
offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.
Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even
thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside
out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it.
Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of
immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in
My spiritual life will always and forever triumph over my
physical and emotional life. God does bring out the best in me, and only
through Him can I have the strength to renew my mind and body.
I haven’t always done what’s right for myself, and let’s
again be honest: I’m not getting any younger. Rather than have regrets over past
choices, I want to move forward and continue to be the healthiest, most
in-shape version of myself I have ever seen.
It’s south Florida in the middle of summer, so it’s
pretty much always raining right now.
Coffee, Eggs scrambled with diced bacon, baby tomatoes
Lunch: Pork tidbits
(we cut our own pork loin and I like to save the extra pieces to cut up and
sauté with veggies and coconut aminos – my paleo version of chinese), celery
and almond butter
Dinner: Matt is
going to grill some chicken whether he wants to or not. With pineapple. And
broccoli. Or collard greens with pearl onions. Or both.
Today I love: Hand sanitizer for my car. I’m a road
RN. Enough said.
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