My OCD-ness loves today.
The first day of a new month that just happens to fall on a Monday?
Plus it was kettlebell day at Crossfit this morning.
Be still my heart.
Yep. Went to CF at 4:30 this morning.
Don't I look thrilled?
Here's the deal. Florida is crazy hot right now, and I'm sorry, but after spending all day feeling like I'm sweating through my scrubs, it's been a little challenging to make myself excited about going to Crossfit when it's 92 degrees outside after work.
So this week, especially since I have things I need to do to prepare to leave for the family reunion Wednesday night, I'm going to CF at ungodly hours of the day.
As hard as it is to hear the alarm go off at 4am, it's so much sweeter to be heading home from work knowing I'm done with my commitments for the day.
This morning's WOD was:
5×1 hang snatch (full squat)
5×1 snatch, any style from floor (power or full)
5×1 snatch, any style from floor (power or full)
AMRAP (as many reps as possible) in 8 minutes -
6 KBS (kettlebell swings) 70/55
12 pull-ups
24 double-unders (72 singles)
6 KBS (kettlebell swings) 70/55
12 pull-ups
24 double-unders (72 singles)
My result of the AMRAP: Three complete rounds and part of a 4th - got the 6 KBS and only 6 pull-ups. Longest eight minutes of my life.
I am bouncing off the walls already this morning, which means around 11:30 I'll be ready to crash.
Maybe I'm just excited about my scale results this morning!! I know. No weighing. Matt already reminded me.
But it's MONDAY!! Monday has been my weigh-in day for forever, so I can't break the cycle.
Results so far? On this Day 9 of my Paleo Challenge, I'm officially down 5.6 lbs! Not too bad. I'll take it.
I'm throwing a roast in the crockpot for dinner. I love one-pot meals...meat and veggies all in one stop without having to make side dishes. Yay!
I always prep my veggies the night before so I can just toss it all in on my way out the door in the morning.
I'm a simple roast girl: Rump roast, liberally season with salt and pepper, toss in carrots and onions. That's it. No fuss, nothing fancy. Filling and Paleo.
Breakfast: Black coffee (using the rest of my Honduras coffee from my dear friend Kara Jumper!!), pumpkin pancakes, bacon
Lunch: Leftover baked paprika chicken, watermelon, black olives, baby tomatoes
Snack: Apple and almond butter
Dinner: Roast!!
Crossfit Website of the Day: Signs You're Obsessed with CrossFit. SO TRUE!!
Paleo Website of the Day: Paleo Parents - Very easy and kid-friendly paleo recipes, authors of Eat Like a Dinosaur.
Today I love: Getting workouts done before work and coffee from Honduras.
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