15 July 2013

30 Day Paleo Challenge - Day 23

You know that feeling you get when you’re standing at the kitchen sink, minding your own business, up to your elbows in soap and dirty dishes?

You know that feeling you get when you just know someone creepy is staring at you while you do it?

Introducing my husband, the creeper, who desperately needs something to keep himself occupied right now since summer baseball is almost over.

Teachers and coaches get bored towards the end of summer.


I woke up at 4am again today, because prowlers and burpees at 5am and 72 degrees is so much better than 5:30pm and 92 degrees. 

Plus I have a feeling I'll be staying late at work this week to get all my paperwork in order so we can leave for St. Lucia NEXT MONDAY!! Not that I'm excited or anything. 


Full Snatch 5×2 

5×2 flat-footed snatch pulls, heaviest possible

3 rounds, each for time of:
100 m Prowler 135/90#
20 Burpees
10 Snatch, any style 125/85

Dang you, burpees.

However, I do love prowlers at 5am when it's pitch dark outside. You just push for all you're worth and pray to Jesus no one runs you over in the parking lot. 

I also need to make time to stop by Nelson's Family Farm today...I'm out of baby tomatoes and have only two Fujis left. Panic!!! 


Breakfast – Coffee with coconut milk, eggs scrambled with diced bacon, cherries

Lunch -  Meatballs, strawberries, red pepper slices

Dinner – Roast, salad with olive oil and vinegar

Snack – Apple and almond butter

Today I love:  Those shower loofa scrubby things to get the dirt off my palms and shins from all the nasty burpees. Once again: dang you, burpees!!

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