10 July 2013

30 Day Paleo Challenge - Day 18

I feel like these posts are getting redundant. 

Workout. Eat. Workout. Eat. Repeat forever. 

So this one's gonna be short and sweet. This girl has things to do. 

Like get the lizards off my car!!! While I'm driving!! 

Seriously, Florida? 


Breakfast: Coffee, bacon, banana muffins 

I ate my breakfast during IDTs at work this morning. My bacon is smiling at me. As it should. 

Lunch: Grilled burger with more of my awesome paleo BBQ sauce, red pepper slices with homemade paleo ranch dressing (paleo mayo, mashed garlic, almond milk, dill, salt and pepper, a little apple cider vinegar), celery sticks, cherries

Dinner: Matt is grilling pork steaks!!! My favorite. Sides include carrots and collard greens with onions and bacon drippings.

Workout of the Day

15 minutes to work to a max Power clean + Power Jerk


Every minute on the minute for 5 minutes: 1 Power Clean + Power Jerk @ 85% of above

AMRAP in 10 minutes of -
30 double-unders
10 hand-release push-ups
7 toes to bar

Midline – 3 set of:
10 GHD Sit-ups
10 glute-ham raises

Today I love: My sweet husband who meets me at gas stations to drop off my contacts I left at home, so I can go to Crossfit straight from work. 

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